Life is one long series of transitions. To paraphrase and old blues song, from the “cradle to the grave,” things keep evolving.
As young children we barely notice these, and are even anxious to get on the the next year or the next step. We push ourselves forward from being babes in arms, to learning to take our first steps, to school, to our first sleep over, to our first driver’s licenses, to getting out of the house for good, etc. As we get older, transitioning seems to be a bit tougher. They seem to take a greater toll. Or, perhaps, we become more recalcitrant, more set in our ways.
Change is a normal part of life. And soon or late, we must evolve with the things happening around us.
I lost several close family members early in my life, so death, while not easy to accept, has become an accepted part of life. Of course, I still have moments of sadness for those I lost long ago, but duty is to life as it stands today, not yesterday.
In the past year or two, I have been going through some other major transitions, some of which I have shared here. And, probably more to share in the future.
Life cannot be controlled. We cannot account for every eventuality and possible outcome.
Life moves on. Things change. People change. And, believe it or not, we, you and I, change as well.
What was fun or satisfying last year, may not bring nearly as much joy today.
What we used to do for relaxation, may hold little interest for us today.
The things that were important to us to be great at doing, may not bear the same significance in a rapidly evolving world.
The people we used to hang out with, may not be a perfect fit for what’s going on in our lives right now. No, I’m not saying that you need to dump people. But, you do have to be realistic about time and emotional investments and expenditures. Everything comes with a price.
But, as with everything else, we have choices to make.
We can grow and change and bend with some of the prevailing wind, without giving up who we are or losing our moral compass.
Or, we can stand still and firm, refuse to change, resist any urging to bend or rethink our positions, and be broken in the face of progress.
The key is always to look for your middle ground. Learn what to give, and what to keep…
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